All-Star Manager Intent Form
All-Star Player Application
School Enrollment Form
Residency Requirements
D15 Interleague Rules
Concussion Certification
VLL Board Positions
VLL 2024 Safety Manual
Details coming soon!
Please use the image to determine the proper areas to park during Opening Day and throughout the season.
Our yearly kick off to the season!
In person sign ups 2/20/23 at Main St Pub in Vicksburg.
Thank you, VLL Members, for taking time to review the proposed amendments to the VLL Constitution. Based on the feedback received,...
Online registration is available NOW for the 2021 VLL season. Early Bird rates are available now until February 15th, 2021.
Our own Terry Coburn has been honored on Little League Internationals website. As we are sad to hear of his recent passing, we are...
VLL is looking for a couple volunteers to take photos of the Opening Day Parade and of the games throughout Opening Day. Intereste...
Early Registration is now open, by registering now you will get a $25 early registration discount!!
Brendan Monroe’s Eagle Scout Project
Vicksburg Little Leauge
Dowagiac Little League
Homer Stryker Field
Niles Little League
Vicksburg Little League PO Box 135 Vicksburg, Michigan 49097
Email: [email protected]